Getting targeted visitors to your website is probably the most pressing goal for most new internet marketers. Many internet marketers have been focusing on using social networking sites to promote their businesses. However, apart from these techniques, there’s a proven way to not only get visitors to your site but to also grow your credibility and that is article marketing. By writing articles and submitting them to various directories, you can get attention for your site and products. Let’s look at some of the powerful advantages you can gain by using article marketing as part of your promotional strategy.
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There are many reasons to use article marketing, but increasing your site’s pagerank is the most important of all. When you distribute your articles online, your backlinks grow. The more links you have coming in, the higher your pagerank will be. Before long you’ll see your pagerank increase in the minds of Google and also the general public.
Article marketing also offers the benefit of being able to build your own email mailing list quickly.
Articles can be written to appeal to readers in your niche so they’re tempted to subscribe to your mailing list. In the resource box of your article, insert a link that goes directly to your opt-in page. Offer readers a free ebook or report to entice them further to click through on your link and sign up to your mailing list. You can easily follow up with your new subscribers and promote them your own product or affiliate products.
A new course is causing quite a buzz in the Internet Marketing community and you can find more information about this on the 11 forgotten laws showcase.
Your articles can help you create a relationship with people interested in your niche. You can publish your articles on your own site, blog or newsletter on a regular basis so that your readers are able to connect with you. If you’re hoping to succeed with your internet business, you’ll need to spend time building strong relationships with future customers as they’ll become the source of your success.
You could even find some of your readers start looking forward to your next article and ask you to write even more of them.
In short, article marketing is a way to warm up your readers about your product, educate them more about the problem you’re solving and above all become an expert in their eyes, which will always work in your favor.