If you have been in the online marketing niche for sometime, you may know that marketing with articles is the single most effective technique for driving traffic, increasing sales and leads. The Internet, and getting online properties ranked and noticed, is all about content. However, many beginners how try their hands at article marketing make some fundamental mistakes and often end up frustrated. The key to effective article writing is in creating content that compels readers to click through to your website and at the same time pre-sells them on whatever it is you are selling or promoting.
Listed here is a small collection of a few great techniques for marketing with articles and article rewriting. Following these straightforward suggestions will give a boost to your article marketing campaign:
- Use bulleted lists and sub topics in your article. No one likes to read many paragraphs of content which isn’t up-to the point. If you are submitting your article to a directory like eZine Articles, the user might just click on scores of other links and ads that are found everywhere in the site.
- Do not start marketing your product or affiliate product right from the beginning of the article. As a general rule, try to talk about a problem the reader might have, first. Then talk about how nice it would be not to have this problem anymore and finally start hinting that a particular product would be the ideal solution for them. This will pre-sell the product to the user.
- Article re-writing can also be very helpful and cheaper when considered to article writing. Write an original version of your article and then start re-writing sentences and paragraphs. Also replace some words with (fitting) synonyms. This way you can distribute dozens or even hundreds of pieces of unique content, without having to write dozens or hundreds of articles.
- Make the most of the link you can insert in the “bio box” of your articles. Make sure there is a clear call to action (i.e. tell the reader to click and tell them why they should click) and use your keyword as the anchor-text of the link. This will not only get more people to click on your links, but it will also give you the best results in terms of search engine optimization.
These are my personal top 5 fundamental article marketing tips. Try them out and I’m certain you’ll see positive results.