Do Your Adwords Ads Suck? Here Is The Solution

Google Adwords ad copy is both hard and easy, and it really all depends on where you’re coming from – your current knowledge base. There are several things involved, here, but the main thing is understanding how to write short ad copy. Given below are a few AdWords copy writing tips that you can use right away to see results.

Be clear and concise at all times with any ad copy you write. There is not enough space to mess around, and that is why you must get to the point quickly and clearly. You only have 35 characters in the main ad space, and only 25 for the title; and Google considers a space as a character. Concise is the word of the day with short ad copywriting; concise and clear. Who knows how much time you really have, but we’re betting it’s about 2, maybe 3 seconds tops for your ad to work it’s magic. So before they move away to another page, you should be able to get them to look at your ad.

A lot of this has much to do with filtering out people who are not interested; so one approach is to put your price right there in your ad. Get it? It’s a fact, no matter how well you write your ad copy, the conversion rate also depends on how much money the searcher is willing to shell out. If he doesn’t really have the budget, then there’s absolutely no use for him to click on your ad as it wouldn’t deliver any value to you. Higher conversions will follow if you can find something about your business or product that is highly distinctive and serves to separate you from the other competitors.

One mark of the online marketer is laziness, and there are those who feel that it’s worth it to copy ads used by other PPC marketers. Well, if that was true, there wouldn’t be any advertisers trying to be unique. The thing to do with other ads is learn from them and then maybe emulate them but never directly copy. But you copy other ads as it is, word by word, then your ad loses its value because it’s not unique. One thing you will notice though are ads that look like they were copied, but actually there are only a few small differences. This isn’t really helpful for advertisers because the person searching will get confused seeing the same ads lined up in one place. This is why the searchers go for those ads that tend to stand out from the rest and are unique.

One strategy that will always work extremely well, if you do it right, is to ask a simple question in your ad. You can ask these questions in the most creative manner to make the searcher click on your ad. You have limited space to play with in PPC, so be very clear and to the point, no matter what you write. In summary, AdWords is really not that difficult if you put your mind to it. Never get worried if you do everything right and a campaign does not perform well – that is pretty normal so forget about it. But when you apply tips like we discussed in this article, you increase your chances of success. Item number one on your list should be to Google classified ad writing and learn what goes into compelling ads.

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